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Explore the Best Wineries near Milan

Just getting started on your wine journey, or jumping back in?
Taste through a selection of a great local wines.

Zenato Winery

Zenato Winery

Unveiling the legacy and estates of Zenato Winery: a journey through passion, innovation, and terroir expression in Lugana and Valpolicella of Veneto wine region

€40.00 Book now

Discover Wine Tours from Milan Offered by Local Guides

Take a Wine Tour from Milan with Knowledgeable Local Wine Tour Guides

Turin: Guided Food Tour with Chocolate & Wine Tasting

Turin: Guided Food Tour with Chocolate & Wine Tasting

Region Region:
Piedmont, Italy
Region Guide:

Turin's bohemian chocolate and culinary journey: a gastronomic exploration in Piedmont

€63.00 Book now
Wine Tasting near Turin Royal Palace in music-inspired Enoteca

Wine Tasting near Turin Royal Palace in music-inspired Enoteca

Region Region:
Piedmont, Italy
Region Guide:

Enjoy a wine tasting hosted in traditional wine-bar called "Enoteca" in Piedmont. Learn about wine making and food pairings in a friendly and relaxed way

€45.00 Book now
The Secrets of Bubbles: do you know the differences?

The Secrets of Bubbles: do you know the differences?

Explore Italian sparkling wines: a tasting journey through regional varieties and production methods

€45.00 - €70.00 Book now
Discover fantastic Piedmont Wines in the Heart of Turin!

Discover fantastic Piedmont Wines in the Heart of Turin!

Fully Enjoying Piedmont Wines and its Beauty!

€47.00 Book now
Tasting in the cellar: Repetto Vineyards

Tasting in the cellar: Repetto Vineyards

Where wine meets the horizon

€28.00 Book now

Milano is a city with a complex, rich and exciting history. It is not just the capital of Italy's Lombardy region but also the home to one of Europe's oldest wine cultures. The city has been home to wine production for more than 2000 years. The Romans introduced viticulture in this region and it flourished during the Renaissance when Milan became a major trading centre. Milano has a long tradition of wine production, and many types of wines are available in this city, from dry reds to sweet dessert wines.

The best wine regions to visit near Milano

Milan, and Lombardy, are one of Italy's most important wine areas. It has a rich history of wine and a culture that surrounds it. Lombardy's most highly valued wine sub-regions near Milano city are Lugana, Garda, Botticino, Moscato di Scanzo, Valcalepio, and Oltrepò Pavese.

  • Lugana: Embrace the charm of Lugana, one of Lombardy's prized wine sub-regions near Milan, known for its crisp and elegant white wines, primarily crafted from the Trebbiano di Lugana grape.
  • Garda: Explore the scenic vineyards surrounding Lake Garda in Lombardy, where the Garda wine sub-region produces a variety of wines, both red and white, reflecting the diverse terroir of the area.
  • Botticino: Discover the historical significance of Botticino, a wine sub-region near Milan, celebrated for its red wines, often crafted from the local Marzemino and Barbera grape varieties.
  • Moscato di Scanzo: Indulge in the sweet and aromatic delights of Moscato di Scanzo, a unique wine sub-region in Lombardy known for producing red wines from the rare Moscato di Scanzo grape.
  • Valcalepio: Immerse yourself in the winemaking heritage of Valcalepio, a Lombardian sub-region near Milan, recognized for its diverse range of red and white wines, including those made from Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Oltrepò Pavese: Experience the rolling hills of Oltrepò Pavese, Lombardy's largest wine sub-region near Milan, renowned for its Pinot Noir and sparkling wines, offering a taste of traditional Italian winemaking.

What can yo do in Milan?

Milan is home to many wine-related businesses, including wineries, vineyards, and food and drink companies. The city also has an active wine culture, with plenty of events throughout the year. Milan is the capital city of Italy's most influential region for wine production – Lombardy – which produces about 60% of Italian wines. The most popular wines in Milan are Lambrusco, Prosecco, and Bianco di Custoza, which you can find plenty of in different wineries near Milano. Have a closer look at our superb selections of wineries to plan your incredible wine tour in this dynamic region!

Map of Wineries Near Milan

Discover the locations of wineries near Milan

How to reach wineries near Milan

Wineries, local wine guides and experiences near Milan are easily accessible by different means of transportation.

Come visitare le cantine vicino alla città di Milano in auto?

Milano è la città più vicina alle cantine e si trova a 1-2 ore di distanza. Questa è la soluzione più veloce se vuoi raggiungerle da Milano.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Milano in treno?

Il treno è un modo veloce e conveniente per viaggiare da Milano a molte altre cantine popolari. È anche un ottimo modo per visitare alcune delle città più belle del paese lungo il percorso. È veloce ed economico, costa solo 9-10 euro.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Roma in autobus?

Se stai cercando di visitare le cantine vicino a Milano in autobus, è anche una buona opzione. L'autobus è un po' più economico e un po' più lungo; costa circa 8 euro e impiega circa 15-20 minuti in più rispetto al treno.

Plan the Perfect Wine Tasting Experience near Milan

Vale la pena visitare Milano?

Assolutamente, Milano è una città ricca di cultura, storia e arte. È anche una delle destinazioni turistiche più popolari in Italia. Ci sono molte attrazioni da visitare a Milano. Le attrazioni a Milano sono varie e diverse, con musei, gallerie, chiese, monumenti, teatri d'opera, palazzi, parchi e, naturalmente, una gastronomia e un vino incomparabili!

Ci sono cantine intorno a Milano?

Sì, Milano è il centro della Lombardia, una delle regioni vinicole più importanti d'Italia. Pertanto, ci sono numerose buone cantine in Italia.

Quali sono le migliori cantine vicino a Milano?

Le migliori cantine vicino a Milano sono quelle che offrono un'ottima esperienza ai visitatori. Dovrebbero avere una buona lista di vini, un'atmosfera incredibile e cibo delizioso. Le migliori cantine vicino a Milano sono Castello Bonomi, Al Rocol, e Cantina Ceresa.