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Explore the Best Wineries near Cagliari

Just getting started on your wine journey, or jumping back in?
Taste through a selection of a great local wines.

Cantina Berritta

Cantina Berritta

A journey of passionate organic winemaking infused with heritage, time honored techniques and the magic of the lands of Sardinia

€35.00 Book now
Ferruccio Deiana

Ferruccio Deiana

Nurturing a winemaking legacy: Ferruccio Deiana's dedication to crafting exceptional Sardinian wines through passion, tradition, and innovative techniques

€25.00 Book now

Discover Wine Tours from Cagliari Offered by Local Guides

Take a Wine Tour from Cagliari with Knowledgeable Local Wine Tour Guides

From Cagliari - Tour of Unesco Site Su Nuraxi and Giara

From Cagliari - Tour of Unesco Site Su Nuraxi and Giara

Discover the amazing "Su Nuraxi" of Barumini, excavated in the 1950 by the archaeologist Lilliu....

€90.00 Book now
Kayak Tour at Devil's Saddle in Cagliari

Kayak Tour at Devil's Saddle in Cagliari

Kayaking in the beautiful water of Devil's Saddle, enjoying the amazing limestone's cliffs;The...

€100.00 Book now
Orgosolo experience with sheperd's lunch

Orgosolo experience with sheperd's lunch

Delve into the cultural and natural treasures of this museum town, including historic murals and limestone mountains

€40.00 - €65.00 Book now
Winery Tour with a Sommelier

Winery Tour with a Sommelier

Explore the heart of Parteolla: guided winery tour, tasting, and local delights in Sardinia

€45.00 Book now

Cagliari, the capital of the beautiful island of Sardinia, is a place where history and culture intertwine with stunning Mediterranean landscapes. As you wander through its historic streets, you'll be transported through time, passing ancient Roman ruins and medieval architecture. But Cagliari isn't just about its rich history; it's also a culinary paradise where you can savor traditional Sardinian dishes like malloreddus pasta and su porceddu, roasted piglet. And when it comes to wine, explore the island's unique grape varieties like Cannonau and Vermentino. The wineries around Cagliari offer a warm Sardinian welcome, inviting you to taste their superb wines in a breathtaking coastal setting. Come to Cagliari, where history, flavors, and wines meld into an unforgettable experience. Your journey begins here!

The best wine regions to visit near Cagliari

The areas surrounding Cagliari offer a delightful exploration of Sardinia's wine culture. Begin your journey in the stunning Cagliari region region itself, known for its Carignano wines. Further north, the fertile soils around Mandrolisai produce excellent Cannonau wines. These diverse wine regions invite you to indulge in the flavors of Sardinia, surrounded by picturesque landscapes and warm Mediterranean breezes. Book a wine tour near Cagliari and experience the authentic taste of the island. 

What can you do while visiting Cagliari city?

Visiting wineries near Cagliari is a journey through the heart of Sardinia's wine heritage. The island's native grape varieties, like Cannonau and Carignano, create wines with distinct character and depth. You'll have the chance to savor age-old traditions, unique terroirs, and warm Sardinian hospitality as you explore vineyards against the backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea. Each sip is a taste of Sardinia's rich history and the love that goes into crafting these exceptional wines. Discover the essence of Sardinia through its wineries in the charming vicinity of Cagliari.

Map of Wineries Near Cagliari

Discover the locations of wineries near Cagliari

How to reach wineries near Cagliari

Wineries, local wine guides and experiences near Cagliari are easily accessible by different means of transportation.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Cagliari in auto?

Per raggiungere le regioni vinicole vicino a Cagliari in auto, la SS130 o l'autostrada Sardara-Oristano-SS131 è spesso il percorso più veloce. Segui le indicazioni che ti portano alle specifiche regioni vinicole, come Serdiana, Siliqua o Villasor, in base alla tua destinazione di scelta.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Cagliari in autobus?

Per accedere alle regioni vinicole vicino a Cagliari in autobus, puoi prendere gli autobus dal centro città verso località come Dolianova e Capoterra. Queste linee di autobus offrono un comodo trasporto verso le vigne vicine, permettendoti di esplorare le cantine della regione e i paesaggi pittoreschi.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Cagliari in treno?

Cagliari è ben collegata in treno a varie regioni della Sardegna. Puoi prendere un treno verso località come Serdiana o Villasor e poi proseguire verso le regioni vinicole vicine con mezzi di trasporto locali o a piedi.

Plan the Perfect Wine Tasting Experience near Cagliari

Quali varietà di vino sono conosciute nella regione di Cagliari?

Cagliari è famosa per la produzione di vini come Cannonau, Vermentino e Carignano.

Sono disponibili tour del vino a Cagliari?

Sì, ci sono vari tour del vino disponibili nella regione di Cagliari, offrendo un'ottima opportunità per esplorare le vigne locali.

Qual è il periodo migliore per visitare Cagliari per un tour del vino?

Il periodo migliore per un tour del vino a Cagliari è durante la primavera e l'autunno, quando il clima è piacevole e le vigne sono al loro massimo splendore.

Posso assaggiare la cucina sarda insieme ai vini durante un tour del vino a Cagliari?

Assolutamente sì, i tour del vino spesso includono degustazioni di piatti tipici sardi abbinati ai vini, offrendo un'esperienza culinaria completa.