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Explore the Best Wineries in Campi Flegrei

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Campi Flegrei is a volcanic wine zone located northwest of Naples (Italian region of Campania). "Scampi Flegrei" is derived from the Greek word "flego," which means "fiery or burning fields." The Phlegrean Fields zone is a huge caldera, a resting volcanic basin with several craters and volcanic formations that produce sulfur gas or water vapor, so the name "Phlegrean Fields" is not accidental.

Campi Flegrei's elegance and success are the consequence of unique methods, superb grapes, and an exceptional environment. These factors combine to produce a wine style peculiar to Italy, if not the globe.

We hope you enjoy exploring the elegant wines that have made Campi Flegrei a favourite among wine drinkers all around the world. Explore our website to learn about the Wineries in Campi Flegrei and how to make the most of this beautiful location. Learn more about Campi Flegrei Wine Tasting and Tours.

Where is the Campi Flegrei Wine Region?

The Campi Flegrei wine area lies in the northernwestern portion of Naples, Italy. It is a wine region within Campania.

Unique Terroir of Campi Flegrei Appellation

The coast west of Naples is known as Campi Flegrei – the Flaming Fields. Even the ancient Greeks noticed that the local lands have hot thermal springs, emit gases and conduct seismic activity (flègo in Greek means gorenje, burning). Now science has proven that Campi Phlegrei is nothing but a giant volcanic caldera. There are 24 craters and volcanic formations. Lava is so close to the surface that the earth's crust is constantly moving with it. Meanwhile, vineyards feel great on the volcanic soils of Campi Phlegrei.  Local soils originating from volcanic eruptions are ash, lapilli, pumice and tuff. The landscapes are dominated by plains and low hills. The climate of Campi Flegrei is Mediterranean, with a long dry warm season, an abundance of light and the softening influence of the sea.

History of Campi Flegrei Wine Region

The cultural practices of vine cultivation and wine production in Campi Phlegrei, as well as on the entire coast of Campania, were started by the ancient Greeks. In the Roman era, local wines became famous, and with it – a fairly large-scale production. Pliny the Elder celebrated the vino colombino of Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli). Perhaps it came from the Piedirosso grape, which is still growing.

The prestige of Pozzuoli wines remained in the Middle Ages. It is enough to indicate that they were served to the table of King Charles II of Anjou. The wine records are preserved in the account book “Liber espensarum".

Phylloxera visited the Campi Flegrei vineyards in the nineteenth century. It couldn’t survive there, given the sandy volcanic soils of the region. Vineyards that are over a century old are still growing on their roots in Campi Flegrei DOC.

Since 1994, the DOC Campi Flegrei regulated zone has been in operation. It includes the coast west of Naples as well as the island of Procida.

What is Campi Flegrei Wine?

The two most characteristic varieties are the white Falanghina and the red Piedirosso (Per ‘e Palummo). Several types of wine are produced from these variteties. White Bianco includes 50-70% Falanghina. If Falanghina is indicated on the label, then the content of the variety is from 90%.

Biancolella, Coda Di Volpe, and Olivella are also grown here, but in much smaller quantities.

Falanghina is characterized by its sharp acidity and excellent minerality.

Piedirosso wine is vibrant and rich in color, with fruity and smoky-smoked aromas. Its considerable acidity and gentle tannins make it exceedingly palatable.

Rose Rosato contains at least 90% Piedirosso, and the name of the variety – Piedirosso or Pèr‘e Palummo – is always put on the label.

Red Rosso consists of two mandatory varieties – Piedirosso (minimum 50%) and Aglianico (minimum 30%). Red with the indication Piedirosso on the label contains from 90% of this variety.

White sparkling Spumante is produced from the Falangina variety. Its content is from 90%, and the name of the variety is put on the label. It can be brut and extra dry.

Food to Pair with Campi Flegrei Wine

Lasagna alla parmigiana 

Lasagna alla parmigiana combines two Italian classics: lasagne pasta and eggplant parmigiana. Although there are numerous variations, it is typically made using lasagne sheets, eggplants, tomatoes, garlic, mozzarella, olive oil, basil, grated cheese, salt, and black pepper. The meal is best paired with fresh, fruity white wines of Campi Flegrei DOC.

Acqua Pazza

Acqua pazza is a traditional Neapolitan method of poaching fish that dates back to the Middle Ages. Aside from white fish such as bass, cod, perch, and halibut, the ingredients used to prepare this light yet hearty soup often include pomodorini or cherry tomatoes, fennel, olives, peppers, celery, carrots, and occasionally capers.

The delightful soup is spooned over the fish and flavored with olive oil, white wine, garlic, and parsley. Acqua pazza was originally considered a poor man's mainstay, but it now goes a long way when dipped in bread and matched with light Italian white wines.

Pizza Margherita

The most symbolic culinary invention of Italy, the real pizza napoletana, which now has the protective status of PDO, has always been famous for the simplicity of the ingredients. And it existed originally as a marinara, with tomato sauce, garlic and oregano. And at the end of the XIX century, the star of a bright tricolor margarita rose – with the addition of tomatoes, mozzarella and bright green basil leaves. Pizza sets a casual tone, and pairings are perfect with a Campi Flegrei wine.

Places to Visit in Campi Flegrei

Pozzuoli, Port Town On The Shore of the Bay of Naples

Pozzuoli is the largest settlement of the Flegreian Fields. Several monuments of the Ancient Roman era have been preserved in the town. Once upon a time, Pozzuoli was second only to Rome in terms of trade turnover and the number of inhabitants, as evidenced by the ruins of two entire amphitheaters.

Scenic Area of Rione Terra

Given that it is located on a hill, this historic area of Pozzuoli can be seen from all parts of the Flegreian fields. The modern Via del Duomo ran parallel to the Decuman, one of the two main streets of ancient Roman communities. A restored section of a Roman pavement was unearthed at a depth of around three meters beneath the cathedral (Duomo). Warehouses were built along the document's sides, and a marble fountain with two satyr masks stands at the intersection with the cardo.

Solfatara Volcano With Its Fascinating Geology

Solfatara volcano has an oval-shaped crater (770-580 m), formed about 4000 years ago. From several of its fumaroles, hot steam is constantly released. Its last eruption was in 1198. The total area of the volcano is approximately 33 hectares, fumaroles and hot mud are periodically interspersed with thickets of trees and Mediterranean shrubs. Solfatara was once part of the program of the "great journey", on which the offspring of noble European families went in the XVIII century.

Frequently Asked Questions About Campi Flegrei Wine Region

What is Campi Flegrei wine?

Campi Flegrei DOC produces white and red wines from indigenous grapes Falanghina, Aglianico and Piedirosso

Where is Campi Flegrei?

Campi Flegrei wine region is located in northernwest part of Naples, Italy. It’s a sub-region of Campania wine region.

Map of Wineries in Campi Flegrei

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Wineries in Campi Flegrei