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Explore the Best Wineries near Perpignan

Just getting started on your wine journey, or jumping back in?
Taste through a selection of a great local wines.

Discover Wine Tours from Perpignan Offered by Local Guides

Take a Wine Tour from Perpignan with Knowledgeable Local Wine Tour Guides

2 Emporda Wineries Private Tour from Barcelona

2 Emporda Wineries Private Tour from Barcelona

Unlock the secrets of ancient wineries: A journey through time and taste in Emporda, Catalonia

€200.00 Book now
Private Tour of 3 Penedes Wineries from Barcelona

Private Tour of 3 Penedes Wineries from Barcelona

An unique and exclusive experience in Catalonia for wine enthusiasts which includes a visit to one of the region’s oldest wineries

€265.00 Book now
Wine tour in South of France vineyard

Wine tour in South of France vineyard

Discovering the South of France

€350.00 Book now
Dom Brial, The wine legacy

Dom Brial, The wine legacy

A Century Old Wine Cooperative Awaits You for a Guided Wine Tour in Languedoc-Roussillon

€40.00 Book now
Hidden terroirs of the hinterland

Hidden terroirs of the hinterland

Admire Picturesque Landscapes of the Languedoc-Roussillon Region with Wine in Hand

€70.00 Book now
In the shadow of the Canigou

In the shadow of the Canigou

Discover the hidden treasures of Pays Catalan on a comfortable 9-seater minibus wine tour in Languedoc-Roussillon

€65.00 Book now
Rivesaltes, the secrets of its terroir

Rivesaltes, the secrets of its terroir

Half Day Guided Wine Tour in Roussillon, Languedoc-Roussillon

€40.00 Book now
Vineyards of the French Catalan coast

Vineyards of the French Catalan coast

Guided Wine Tour in Catalan Coast, Languedoc-Roussillon

€90.00 Book now

Nestled in the heart of the picturesque Pyrénées-Orientales region, Perpignan is a town that beckons travelers to step back in time and savor the rich tapestry of its history. From its medieval roots to the vibrant Catalan culture that permeates the streets, Perpignan offers a captivating journey through time. But it's not just history that awaits you; it's also a sensory delight. Indulge in traditional dishes like "Cassoulet" and "Bouillabaisse," or savor the world-renowned Roussillon wines, a symphony of sun-soaked vineyards in a glass. So why not raise your glass and make a toast to adventure? Discover Perpignan's hidden gems, explore its charming wineries, and unlock the secrets of this enchanting town. Your next adventure begins here, where the past and present merge in a taste of Perpignan's unique essence. Cheers to a journey that's as vibrant as the wines it offers!

The best wine regions to visit near Perpignan

Embrace the charm of Perpignan's surroundings with a wine tour through the captivating nearby regions. Explore the vineyards of Roussillon, famous for its sweet wines and stunning Mediterranean vistas. Discover the characterful reds of Fitou and the unique terroir of Collioure. Maury's fortified wines will delight your senses, while the picturesque Corbières and Minervois offer an array of flavors. Don't miss the chance to sip your way through these exquisite wine regions. Book your wine tour now and let the adventure begin!

What to do in Perpignan on a wine tour?

Visiting wineries near Perpignan is a truly special experience that's worth every moment. These vineyards offer a unique blend of history, culture, and exceptional wine. You'll have the opportunity to walk through picturesque vineyards set against breathtaking landscapes, meet passionate winemakers who are eager to share their craft, and, of course, indulge in the exquisite wines they produce. From the sweet nectars of Roussillon to the robust reds of Fitou, each winery tells a story, and every sip is a journey through time and terroir. So, whether you're a wine enthusiast or just looking for a memorable adventure, exploring the wineries near Perpignan is an experience that's worth savoring.

Discover Other Cities near Perpignan

Map of Wineries Near Perpignan

Discover the locations of wineries near Perpignan

How to reach wineries near Perpignan

Wineries, local wine guides and experiences near Perpignan are easily accessible by different means of transportation.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Perpignan in auto?

Noleggia un'auto da Perpignan e prendi le autostrade A9 o A61 per raggiungere le regioni vinicole come Roussillon, Fitou e Collioure. Queste regioni sono ben collegate dalla strada, offrendo flessibilità e comodità per l'esplorazione.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Perpignan in treno?

Perpignan ha una stazione ferroviaria ben collegata. Controlla gli orari e le rotte dei treni per destinazioni come Narbonne, Béziers e Carcassonne, che sono vicine alle regioni vinicole. Una volta arrivato alla stazione ferroviaria di tua scelta, potresti dover organizzare un trasporto locale, come un taxi o un autobus locale, per raggiungere le cantine o i vigneti specifici.

Come visitare le cantine vicino a Perpignan in autobus?

Ricerca le linee degli autobus da Perpignan alle regioni vinicole come Collioure, Rivesaltes o Narbonne. Acquista i biglietti in anticipo e, una volta arrivato, utilizza opzioni di trasporto locale come taxi o camminata per accedere alle cantine. La disponibilità degli autobus e gli orari possono variare, quindi pianifica di conseguenza.

Plan the Perfect Wine Tasting Experience near Perpignan

Quali sono le attrazioni da visitare assolutamente a Perpignan?

Alcune delle attrazioni da visitare assolutamente a Perpignan includono il Palazzo dei Re di Maiorca, Le Castillet, la Cattedrale di Perpignan e il Museo Hyacinthe Rigaud.

Quanto dura in media un tour del vino a Perpignan?

I tour del vino possono variare nella durata, ma in genere durano circa 2-3 ore. Alcuni tour potrebbero includere attività aggiuntive o pranzo, che potrebbero prolungare l'esperienza.

Quali sono le tipiche varietà di vino presenti nelle regioni vinicole di Perpignan?

A Perpignan e nelle sue regioni circostanti troverai una varietà di uve, tra cui Grenache, Syrah, Carignan e Muscat, utilizzate per produrre vini rossi, bianchi e dolci.

I tour del vino sono disponibili tutto l'anno a Perpignan?

Sì, molte cantine offrono tour durante tutto l'anno, ma è consigliabile verificare in anticipo, poiché alcune potrebbero avere disponibilità stagionale.

Come posso raggiungere Perpignan dalle principali città francesi?

Perpignan ha una stazione ferroviaria ben collegata e un piccolo aeroporto. Puoi raggiungerla anche in auto tramite le principali autostrade o in autobus.