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Explore the Best Wineries in Entre-Deux-Mers

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Entre-Deux-Mers is a beautiful subregion and appellation of the Bordeaux wine region, located between the two rivers – the Garonne and the Dordogne. The name ‘’Entre-Deux-Mers’’ in English means ‘’between two seas’’, which in reality expresses the territory between two rivers. Offering a great variety of wines, the region of Entre-Deux-Mers is home to beautiful green vineyards and historical monuments.

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History of Entre-Deux-Mers

Entre-Deux-Mers is one of the oldest wine-producing areas in France. The history of winemaking in this area goes back to the Ancient Roman period when the first vines were planted 2000 years ago. But Entre-Deux-Mers earned its reputation as a wine-making region during the middle ages when wine was produced by Benedictine Monks.

At first, the Monks began cultivating and producing wine in Entre-Deux-Mers for religious purposes. After some time, they started extensive planting and cultivating. They cleared this land for vines, bringing prosperity to the region, thanks in large part to trade with England.

During the 18th century, when vineyards in Bordeaux were being widely planted, the wines from  Entre-Deux-Mers became much more popular and expensive. Ever since the region continues to see increased consolidation. From the 1970s until 2015, territory covered with vines has grown from 7 to 60 hectares.

Where is Entre-Deux-Mers located?

The Entre-Deux-Mers is a large region located about 80 km southeast of Bordeaux city. It is seated between the Dordogne and Garonne rivers tributaries of the Garonne estuary.

The geographical area of "Entre-Deux-Mers" is much bigger than its wine appellation. So, it is essential to distinguish between them. For example, the appellation doesn't include an area on the eastern bank of the Garonne river.

The Entre-Deux-Mers appellation covers 132 communes, starting from Ambarès-et-Lagrave in the very northwest to Lamothe-Landerron in the southeast, and on the boundary with the Lot-et-Garonne administrative department.

Entre-Deux-Mers Wine Map

Entre-Deux-Mers _Map_Bordeaux

Subregions of Entre-Deux-Mers

Entre-Deux-Mers accounts for nine AOCs, which are: Entre-Deux-Mers AOC, Premières Côtes de Bordeaux, Sainte-Croix-du-Mont AOC, Cadillac AOC, Loupiac AOC, St-Macaire AOC, Graves de Vayres AOC, and Sainte-Foy-Bordeaux AOC.

Entre-Deux-Mers is itself an AOC and the most important one on the list. It was formed in 1937 for the dry white wines produced in Entre-Deux-Mers territory, largely from the Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon, and Muscadelle grapes.

Premières Côtes de Bordeaux appellation was also created in 1937, mostly for sweet white wines. Nowadays, however, red wines are more popular from this appellation. The reds from Premières Côtes de Bordeaux follow a simple and approachable style.

Sainte-Croix-du-Mont AOC was created in 1936. This appellation is famous for its sweet whites. The wines of Sainte-Croix-du-Mont are usually moderately sweet, without the famous "decadent richness" of Sauternes, but often quite delicious.

Vineyard tours-Entre-Deux-Mers

Unique Terroir of Entre-Deux-Mers

Entre-Deux-Mers has a diverse terroir that contains mixed soils and forest land. Because of this variety, Entre Deux Mers is different from most Bordeaux appellations as much of the land remains devoted to producing other crops.

In fact, most of the place is not used for grape cultivation as it’s covered by forest land and other greenery. So, the main problem with the terroir of the Entre-Deux-Mers appellation is the lack of minerals in the soil and the massive forests.

However, a variety of soils starting from gravel and clay to limestone and sand, span the Entre-Deux-Mers appellation. This simply means that the region is a motherland of a great number of wine styles.

Traditionally, the Entre-Deux-Mers production consists mainly of dry and mellow white wines, mostly from a blend of sauvignon and sémillon grapes. The Entre-Deux-Mers region is also distinguished today with a production of high-quality red wines, mainly from the Merlot grape variety.

The main factor that makes the terror of Entre-Deux-Mers stand out is that right next to botrytis-filled sweet wines, approachable reds might be found. In other words, you can enjoy the diversity of wines in one place.

Wines of Entre-Deux-Mers

With its unique climate, blessed nature, and rich terroir, Entre-Deux-Mers is a homeland of numerous distinctive wines. The main grape varieties planted in the region are Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, and Muscadelle. Those varieties are used to produce both dry and sweet, white Bordeaux wine. 

While the red grapes such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and occasionally Malbec are also used across the region, Entre-Deux-Mers remains most famous for its Sauternes-style sweet white wines.

If you want to enjoy Entre-Deux-Mers wine at its best, try to taste them young, generally within a year after the vintage. However, they can also age well thanks to the key grape variety: Sauvignon Blanc. 

Wines from Entre-Deux-Mers are especially distinctive because of unique aromas, such as citruses, white flowers, and tropical fruits. As for their taste, you can feel a little nervousness but simultaneously sweetness and dryness.

Check out the list of Wineries in Entre-Deux-Mers to taste unique wines of Entre-Deux-Mers.

What to Pair with Entre-Deux-Mers Wines

1. Moules à la marinière

One of the famous French dishes that is served with Entre-Deux-Mers wines is Moules à la marinière. This meal consists of mussels cooked in cider or wine-based sauces. Also, it is made with shallots, garlic, and herbs such as parsley, thyme, and bay leaves, which are sweated in some butter before being combined with white wine or cider.

The final and dominant ingredients are Fresh mussels that are added to the mixture and cooked until they open up in the middle. Sometimes, you can come across lemon juice, crème Fraiche, or mayonnaise in Moules à la marinière. This dish is mostly enjoyed warm with a slice of bread and a glass of Entre-Deux-Mers wine.


2. Selles-sur-Cher

Are you a lover of cheese? If so, you should try Selles-sur-Cher cheese, which is made from goat’s milk. This cheese is being dusted with wood ash to develop a unique rind. The word Selles in the name of this cheese refers to the shape, that is, a disc.

At first, cheese looks rigid and heavy, but it becomes moist and softening as it melts in the mouth. The taste is slightly salty with a persistent aftertaste. The visual is dry with a blue mold covering its surface and has a musty odor.

It goIt goes well with white wines that are plenty in Entre-Deux-Mers. Also, it is perfect for the end of a meal, served in salads.

3. Entrecôte à la bordelaise

Entrecôte à la bordelaise is a classic French dish that goes well with Entre-Deux-Mers wines. It is made with a seared steak and a rich, wine-infused sauce. It is made with a seared steak and a rich, wine-infused sauce. Traditionally, entrecôte is a cut from between the ribs which roughly corresponds to rib, club, ribeye, Delmonico cuts, or Scotch fillet.

The steak is shortly seared on both sides, while the sauce typically includes a combination of sautéed shallots, dry red wine, butter, and spices. The sauce should be thick and smooth to drizzle over the steak. Finally, the dish is ready to be enjoyed with a glass of French wine.

Places to visit in Entre-Deux-Mers

1. Sainte-Croix-Du-Mon

Sainte-Croix-Du-Mon is a beautiful village that overlooks the vineyards of Entre-Deux-Mers. This old village has a castle that dates back to the 15th century, which now houses the town hall. This little palace has a terrace with an orientation table that offers a great view of the Garonne Valley.

In Sainte-Croix-du-Mont, you can also discover a church, which was built in the 12th century. Near the church, you will come across the limestone cliff, which stretches for hundreds of meters and houses caves with many fossilized oyster shells dating back 22 million years.

2. Medieval City of SAINT-MACAIRE

Saint-Macaire is an astonishing medieval city or architectural complex, with many monuments, such as Place à Arcades du Mercadiou. Its houses were constructed in the 13th to 16th centuries. During the 18th century, they built underground galleries to extract the stone that was conveyed to Bordeaux for the construction process.

The Benauge Gate which also calls the Clock Gate is located by the entrance of the city. This 14th-century building makes tourists understand the true face of this historical place. On the edge of Saint-Macaire, you will see a beautiful Saint-Sauveur Church that was part of ancient times.


LA SAUVE-MAJEUR is one of the most beautiful religious legacies in Gironde. The building is listed as a Unesco World Heritage under the route of Saint Jacques de Compostelle. Built during the 12th century, the open-air site located in the heart of Entre-Deux-Mers offers exceptional sculptures and vestiges: sculptured capitals, tower-bell, Romanesque choir vault, and chapels.

A masterpiece of Roman art of the 12th century, this Abbey quickly became an active religious center of Entre-Deux-Mers. The majestic ruins let discover remarkable sculpted capitals with biblical figures and historical monuments. From the top of its bell tower, you can enjoy an impressive view of the countryside.

Discover Entre-Deux-Mers

Did you know?

Did you know that the smallest village in France is located in Gironde? Castermoron d’Albret with only 3.5 hectares, is the tiny village located in the Entre Deux Mers wine region, about an hour drive from Bordeaux.

Being the smallest village in France is an admirable title, but is it worth visiting this place as a tourist? The answer is definitely yes!

The medieval town is full of old houses covered with eclectic pots filled with colorful flowers. Every house is different here, as they will make you stop and admire the beauty. The modern lifestyle is far from this place, with no cars, no busy streets, just nature, and peace. You might feel that you are stuck in the old times, just like a movie character. No doubt, this place is so popular with French moviemakers who shot several period movies here.

Frequently Asked Questions about Entre-Deux-Mers

Is Entre Deux Mers left or right bank?

Entre Deux Mers is located between Dordogne and Garonne, that makes it the centric region. The left bank is the west and south areas of the Garonne, while the right bank is in the north and east territory of the Dordogne.

Where is Entre-Deux-Mers?

Entre-Deux-Mers is a large subregion that is located in the Bordeaux wine region of southwest France. The appellation is seated in the center of two rivers- Garonne and Dordogne.

Which of the following grape varietals may be include in a wine labeled Entre-Deux-Mers AOC?

The main grape varieties planted in the region are Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, and Muscadelle. These varieties are used to produce both dry and sweet white Bordeaux wines.

Map of Wineries in Entre-Deux-Mers

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Wineries in Entre-Deux-Mers