
The Perfect Treats for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate than a classic dinner for two? The soft glow from lit candles, pristine linen napkins, soft instrumental jazz and a warm fuzzy ambience. Anticipation is in the air… but what’s in the glass? What is the best wine for...

Posted in Food and wine

Internship in Wine Tourism Industry

Are you interested to learn more about Wine Tourism and Digital Marketing? We are continually looking for interns at for anywhere between a 12 to a 48-week time period. Completing an internship at will provide you with significant experience in the wine and...

Posted in News alert

Wine tourism will boom in coming years - 10 reasons why

First thing to remember, wine tourism concerns all activities related to touristic journeys in wine regions with objectives to discover a wine region and its terroirs, taste different wines and meet wine-growers. The wine industry is a fascinating sector which gathered passionate people who only...